Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I feel bad that I have not updated the blog in several weeks. We have had a lot of cool things going on that are worth sharing. Joey was a huge part of our lives and he continues to impact us and others in his afterlife. 

At first I was not sure what to do with the blog after Joey passed. What would I post? Would people still be interested in our story? Where do we go from here?

I did not start the blog for myself. I started it to keep friends, family, and others in our lives updated on Joey and his battle. This blog has connected us with so many people and has become more then I ever thought it would.

The past few weeks I have not made it a priority to share my thoughts, feeling, and updates on our family. I think it is important to keep people updated on how we are doing and continue Joeys story.

More to come....